Every other Sunday is Scripture Sunday! We take a tiny little break outside of the fantasy world to get more insight into our own world through God’s eyes. I like to share a scripture that sort of speaks to things that are going on with me or that are going on in society. Words that can motivate and help to build or understand relationship with God a bit more. Getting a grip on my place with God and my place in this world is definitely something I still always struggle with. It is hard sometimes to gain a real understanding of one’s purpose and to really know the role you are supposed to play and it’s impact. So I post these both for my readers and for myself as a good reminder of how best to move through life!
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. – 2 Corinthians 4:16
I’ve chosen 2 Corinthians 4:16 because it speaks to new beginnings. I am definitely going through a new beginning in my life right now and I feel like the world as a whole is going through brand new circumstances and it just helps to remember to keep pushing forward. Though time is passing and we get worn down by a lot of circumstances going on in the world, we can still be renewed on the inside. We can renew our thoughts and our creativity and most importantly we can be renewed through Jesus.
So I just want to share this scripture on Scripture Sunday as a helpful little push to keep you motivated and joyful as we move forward together. I hope that it can bring you a little encouragement as we go into this coming week!